Purpose There is many error, when install Ubuntu Desktop on Samsung GalaxyBook 2. Therefore Fix Error for use. 1. Control screen brightness # make file vi /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf options i915 enable_dpcd_backlight=3 # reboot reboot
Category: OS
Install APM On Ubuntu
1. 개요 Ubuntu에 APM을 설치한다. 설치 순서 : Apache, MySQL, PHP 8.2 2. Install APM 1) Install Apache httpd # Install apache web server apt-get install -y apache2 # Set ownership chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/html # config file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # Data Directory /var/www # App Directory /usr/lib/apache2 2) MySQL 설치 # Install mysql […]
Default Setting / Initial Step
Abstract How to install and set up Proxmox for the first time. How to do? 1. Download & Install Proxmox https://www.proxmox.com/en/downloads/category/iso-images-pve 2. Access Web page https://[IP]:8006 3. comment out apt enterprise source list vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list : comment out #deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-enterprise 4. Add apt source list for non-subscribe & apt […]
1. Intro When you need to upload files from your computer (Windows) to the server. 2. Prerequirements Install putty 3. How to use? pscp -P [Port] [source server/directory] [target server/directory]
remove python2
1. Intro Delete python 2 (Default installed) 2. Command # check python2 version python –version # Delete python2 sudo apt purge python2.x-minimal # Install pip3 sudo apt install python3-pip # link python2 -> python3 sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip # check python version python –version
Windows default settings batch file
1. Intro Windows default settings batch file. 2. File win
Update Visual C++
1. Link https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads-2647da03-1eea-4433-9aff-95f26a218cc0
md5sum directory
1. Abstract If you need an md5sum for a directory, you can get the md5sum for the files and md5sum for that list. 2. Command find [Directory] -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | sort -k 2 | md5sum
Find files that do not contain a specific string
1. Abstract Find files that do not contain a specific string 2. Command grep -c “string_to_find” *
Change or Remove web page of XenServer
1. Intro If you want to change or delete the web page of XenServer 2. How to do? Change or Remove File cd /opt/xensource/www